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Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Count processes per state per application

In previous posts (here and here) I discussed how to count thread in a given state for a give process. Recently, I had another problem - I needed to count number of processes per application per state. My previous commands wouldn't work, so I wrote an alternative version.

while [ 1 ];
    cat /proc/loadavg;
    ps -Leo state,args |
     awk ' $1 ~ /(D|R)/ {state[$0]++} \
      END{ for (j in state) {printf "%s - %d\n", j, state[j]}}' |
      sort -k 2;
    echo "---";
    sleep 5;

There is not PID and args are included in the output list as a whole. worried for number of processes.

One more thought. Dropping "$1 ~ /(D|R)/" can be useful in case of problem with total number of processes. But then the whole command should be a bit modified, so the results are sorted by number of processes. Simplified version would look like this one:

while [ 1 ];
    ps -Leo state,args |
     awk ' $1 ~ /(D|R)/ {state[$0]++} \
      END{ for (j in state) {printf "%d - %s\n", state[j], j}}' |
      sort -n;
    echo "---";
    sleep 5;

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