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Saturday, December 30, 2023

Glow the Grip of MD files (from GitHub)

If you will every need to locally render an MD file, e.g. reading some documentation, you can use the glow [1] program. It renders a MD file in the terminal.

In the case of GitHub repository, an alternative is to use the grid [2] project. It sets a local webserver using the GitHub markdown API. It produces a local view of MD files as they would be in the GitHub website.




Sunday, November 12, 2023

Summary of a Terraform plan output

One of the most annoying thing when working with terraform is the size of output of the terraform plan command. For more complex environments, it easily can get to many thousand lines, even for what seems to be a small change.  It makes very hard to confirm that a code change does not have a side effects.

It would be nice to have the summary option, showing only resources and modules changed. I guess one day such feature will be added. In the meantime, I thought to use the grep command on the terraform plan output. It wasn't easy, because the output contain a few control character. After quite a few attempts, I found that following regex is a substitute.

terraform plan | grep -E "^[[:cntrl:]][[:print:]]+[[:space:]]+#\ "

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

How to find s3 bucket in multiple accounts (with awk and multiple field separator)

Imagine you have quite a few AWS accounts. In one of them, you don't know which one, there is an S3 bucket. The AWS CLI with awk and zsh can help to find it.

In the first step, let's prepare a list of all accounts, or rather profiles from the AWS CLI config (the ~/.aws/config file).

accounts=($(awk -F "( |])" '/profile sso/ {print $2}'  ~/.aws/config))

In the example, we limit the list only to profiles with the prefix "sso". The command uses awk to find any line with the string "profile sso" and print the second field from it. However, it does no use the standard field separator. There are 3 characters working as a separator: space, "|" and "]". Please also note the awk command is two pairs of "()".

 The list is saved into the accounts variable and used in the second command. It lists all s3 buckets from each account, and grep for the selected string, which of course can be the whole bucket name.

for accounts ($accounts) {echo $account; aws s3 ls --profile $p| grep $bucket}