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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Crux as a second system in GRUB2

I tried to install CRUX as a secondary system on a DELL XPS 13 (Ubuntu Edition). I run setup, configured fstab and rc.conf, compiled a kernel and then tried to add new system to the GRUB2 menu in Ubuntu. The update-grub script recognised the new Linux entry, added it, but CRUX didn't start — kernel panicked. It could not find root partition. I double checked my kernel and had all important options mentioned in CRUX installation compiled in.
Then I looked at menu entry created by os-prober for CRUX and noticed that it had following line:

        linux /boot/vmlinuz root=/#ROOT_DEVICE# ro quiet

I analysed what the probe script do and found that it checked boot loader configuration files from a new/additional Linux. Then I remembered that I had not bothered to configure LILO, because I had plan to use Ubuntu GRUB2 rather than it. I updated /etc/lilo.conf (without runing lilo command itself).
After that update-grub properly created CRUX entry in boot menu and I could start my CRUX installation.

Saturday, May 02, 2015

zsh and ssh-agent


One of the post which gets some attention on this blog is My Way For Binding SSH Agent With Zshell. The method presented there is far from ideal and it stopped to work for me some time ago. After that I wrote a new version. I think it is much better and should work with bash or other shells. I tested it on Ubuntu and Crux.


I have the .zssh file in my home directory. It is sources by my .zshrc file. The .zssh consists of 3 functions.


The first function is responsible for starting ssh-agent.

sshagent () {
    SSHAGENT=$(ps ax|grep "[s]sh-agent"| grep -cv Z)
    if (( $SSHAGENT == 0 ))
        SSHPID="$(ps -eo pid,command | awk '/ ssh-[a]gent/ {print $1}');"
        SSHPID_ENV=$(awk  '/Agent/ {print $NF}' ~/.ssh-env)
        if [[ $SSHPID == $SSHPID_ENV ]]
            source ~/.ssh-env
            killall ssh-agent

It checks if a ssh-agent runs already and it isn't a zombie. (On one of my systems, after starting a desktop environment, I always had a zombie ssh-agent running.) If there is no ssh-agent running the function calls sshupdate, another function described below. If the agent is present and live in a system the function then compares ssh-agent pid with the information saved in the ~/.ssh-env file. (See sshupdate paragraph for more information.) If informations are consistence it sources .ssh-env.  If not it kills all ssh-agent and the calls sshupdate.


This is a very simply function calling ssh-agent and saving its output to a file.

sshupdate () {
    ssh-agent > ~/.ssh-env
    source ~/.ssh-env

The output then can be sourced by other functions or processes. Oh, and if you don't remember/know the output of ssh-agent looks like that:


echo Agent pid 1885;


Finally the function responsible for adding your ssh key.

sshadd () {
    if (( $(ssh-add -l | grep -c $USER) == 0 ))
        ssh-add -l

It checks the number of added keys. If a key from you home directory, or having your username in the path, is not present it adds it. Otherwise it lists all added keys.


sshagent is called from your .zshrc, so it should be present during every session. sshadd need to be called by you, when you need it first time.


What if you have more than one key and you would like ti add all of them in the same time. Then you could try to use the 'file' program to find ssh keys in the.ssh, or other, directory and source all of them.