In my .profile (on CentOS 5, just in case there were some changes in dstat) I have following alias to dstat (wdstat stands for Wawrzek's dstat):alias wdstat="dstat -lcpymsgdn 5"
Where the options stands for:
- -l - UNIX load (1m 5m 15m) load average in 1, 5 and 15 minutes, respectively;
- -c - cpu stats (usr sys idl wai hiq siq) percent of time spent in user and system space, idle, waiting on resource, serving interrupts and softirqs (software interrupts);
- -p - process stats (run blk new) number of running, blocked and newly created processes;
- -y - system stats (int csw) - number of interrupts and context switches;
- -m - memory stats (used buff cach free) amount of memory used by processes, disk buffers, disk cache and free;
- -s - swap stats (used free) - amount of used and free swap space;
- -g - page stats (in out) number of page put in and out from swap;
- -d -disk stats (read writ) - number of reads and writes from all disks;
- -n -network stats (recv send) number of received and send network packages;
Further reading:
- http://dag.wiee.rs/home-made/dstat/
- http://www.teamquest.com/pdfs/whitepaper/ldavg1.pdf
- http://www.linuxhowtos.org/System/procstat.htm
- http://lwn.net/Articles/520076/
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paging#Linux