My FujiFilm S5600 (S5200 in US) works out of box with my Crux. The only inconvenience is that the mount point can depend on presences of other usb stuff. I read the
udev rules manual and wrote this rule.
BUS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sd*", SYSFS{vendor}=="FUJIFILM", NAME="%k",SYMLINK="fuji"
It makes the /dev/fuji link, which use as mount point:
/dev/fuji /media/aparat vfat user,noauto 0 0
To edit pictures from raw format im using
UFRaw. It can be GIMP plugin, what is it's big advantage. But when I have more photos I'm using this small bash script to prepare preview in jpg:
dcraw -w *.raf
for i in *.ppm
j=`basename $i .ppm`.jpg
echo $j
convert $i $j
mogrify -resize 800x600 $j
rm *.ppm
I found that it is very important to use
dcraw with
-w option.