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Monday, December 22, 2008

Another Awk one-liner

This one-liner printing third word from the lines beginning with "Mem:" (precisely the lines which first word is "Mem:") but adding the serial number before the word.
awk 'BEGIN {a=1} \
{if ( $1 == "Mem:" ) \
  {printf "%4d  %s\n",  a, $3; a++}}' \
free-prefork.log >mem-prefork.log
BTW. This script is to help me to plot a gnuplot graph based on "used memory" number from free command. plot "mem-prefork.log" will do the rest of job. UPDATE Mike Hommey post force me to rethink my scripts and I found easy way to eliminate if clause:
awk 'BEGIN {a=1} \
/^Mem:/  {printf "%4d  %s\n",  a, $3; a++}' \
free-prefork.log >mem-prefork.log

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A real one-liner: awk '/^Mem:/ {printf "%4d %s\n", ++a, $3}'