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Thursday, August 07, 2014

netstat, ports, hosts and awk glue

Recently, I needed to create a list of all servers connected on a given port (in following example port 80). I used a mixture of awk and other UNIX command line tools.

netstat -nt| \
 awk -F':'\
   '$5==80 {count[$8]++} \
   END{ for (i in count) { \
      cmd="host "i; \
      cmd |& getline j; \
      split(j, a, " "); \
      printf "%40s - %d\n", a[5], count[i]}}'| \
 sort -n -k 3

First netstat provided the list of all connection (netstat -nt); -n stands for numeric and -t for only TCP connections.

Next awk, with the ':' defined as a field separator (awk -F':'), used lines where local port was 80 ($5==80) to create an associated array with a key define by connected host ip and a value equal to  number of connection from it ({count[$8]++}). At the end of the script execution, awk looped over all element of the array (END{for (i in count)).  Next there was a crux of the script, the cmd was define as a run the OS host command with the awk variable i as an argument  (cmd="host" i). The |& operator created two-way pipe between awk and a execution of the previously defined cmd. The getline command was used to store cmd output into the variable j (cmd |& getline j). Next the split command split the content of the  j into separate words and saved them into the a array (split(j, a, " ")). Finally the printf formatted output (printf "%40s - %d\n", a[5], count[i])).  The actual hostname was fifth element of the a.

For continence, output lines were sorted by numeric order on third column  (sort -n -k 3). Each output line consisted of a hostname ,'-' and a number - e.g. - 3456.

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