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Friday, October 24, 2008

Polish UK X11 keybord layout

The UK and US keyboard layout are different. Polish one, as probably most other ones based on American. It's fine in Poland, but not so fine in UK. Therefore, I decided to create Polish layout, but based on UK keyboard. I based on Mikoła Kosmulski article describing how to prepare mixture of Polish and German layouts. My kebord setting looks this way:
partial default alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "basic" {

    include "latin"

    name[Group1]="Poland based on GB";

    key   { [         q,          Q ] };
    key   { [         w,          W ] };
    key   { [         e,          E,      eogonek,      Eogonek ] };
    key   { [         o,          O,       oacute,       Oacute ] };

    key   { [         a,          A,      aogonek,      Aogonek ] };
    key   { [         s,          S,       sacute,       Sacute ] };
    key   { [         f,          F ] };

    key   { [         z,          Z,    zabovedot,    Zabovedot ] };
    key   { [         x,          X,       zacute,       Zacute ] };
    key   { [         c,          C,       cacute,       Cacute ] };
    key   { [         n,          N,       nacute,       Nacute ] };

    key   { [         2,   quotedbl,  twosuperior,    oneeighth ] };
    key   { [         3,   sterling, threesuperior,    sterling ] };
    key   { [         4,     dollar,     EuroSign,   onequarter ] };

    key   { [apostrophe,         at, dead_circumflex, dead_caron] };
    key   { [     grave,    notsign,          bar,          bar ] };

    key   { [numbersign, asciitilde,   dead_grave,   dead_breve ] };
    key   { [ backslash,        bar,          bar,    brokenbar ] };

    include "kpdl(comma)"

    include "level3(ralt_switch)"


Wawrzek said...

Comment to my own blog ;)

I created a ticket in freedesktop bugzilla:

Anonymous said...

Hello - thank you for raising this! I have UK keybeabord layout and would like to use Polish characters.
Could you describe step by step what files have to be created/modified, where and in what order? I'm just a begginer to Linux. I have Ubuntu 9.04 installed.

With best regards, Jacek

PS. In your file one of the letter is skipped (l, L). Instead I see f and F. Is this a typo?